Sample Laboratory Report: Density of marble This experience explored the relationship between the volume of a marble in cm³ and the mass of a marble in grams. The experiment seeks to determine whether the relationship between the volume of a marble and the mass is linearily related. If a linear relationshipis found, then the slope of the relationship would be the density of glass.
Click here to download the handout.
Our students have started to work as a scientists. Their first task is exploring the sponges world. Why are they so importan? What can we learn if we compare different sponges?
Here you have your final scientific reports. You should have a look on them. There are some really good.
It would be also a great idea to show your parents. They will be very happy with you.
Why don't you tell me which project you like most?
In this link you will find an interesting simulation to calculate the density or to solve the misterious materials you have. Try it and prepare a chart with, at least, 10 different objects. (volumen, material,...)