Physical and chemical changes
1.a Magnesium combustion, nitric acid and copper reaction and iodine and zinc reaction.

1.b Page with top 10 amazing chemical reactions videos.

1.c Video with the effects of not knowing chemistry (Spanish)

1.d Video with five major chemical reactions.

What is a chemical reaction
Experimental realization of some chemical changes
2.a Video with the reaction of sodium hydroxide with silver trioxonitrate (V) and with cobalt dichloride.

2.b Video about how to make glass mirrors with silver trioxonitrate (V).

2.c Video with the reaction of metallic sodium with sulfuric acid and with water.

2.d Video with the reaction of  lead nitrate with potassium iodide in a Petri dish.

2.e Video about the reduction of copper oxide with carbon.

2.f  Vídeo about how to make a chemical fog.

2.g Animations about the preparation of hydrogen and the electrolysis of water.

Macroscopic interpretation of a chemical reaction as a transformation process  of  some substances into another different ones

Avogadro's number, the mole and how to use the mole
Mole conversions
Collect an iPad and go to the following website:

Tip: Google “phet Colorado balancing game”
Environmental Problems

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